We are proud of the excellent services we provide and know that the Golden Circle holds a special place in the hearts of many. Did you know that you can provide support to the Golden Circle after you’re gone? Our Leaving a Legacy program will outlast your lifetime and touch the lives of future generations.

Many people have the desire to demonstrate their strong commitment to the Golden Circle by being provided with the opportunity to reflect that commitment in their Will. Leaving a Legacy establishes an opportunity for donors to give a gift to benefit the Golden Circle, its members, and the community; either currently or in the future and will help to ensure that the Golden Circle will be able to continue to meet the needs of the community through its programs and outreach services for a very long time.

Leaving a Legacy gifts are kept separate from regular operating funds, but can be used to cover regular and ongoing operational requirements of the Golden Circle, as well as to ensure all members of the community have affordable access to programs and services.

No gift is too small to make a difference, and we do accept designated legacy gifts. We will acknowledge that you have made a decision to provide for the Golden Circle and its support of the social health and wellness of adults in our community. It is a unique opportunity to have a “voice” in the future of the Golden Circle because a gift to Leaving a Legacy is an investment and an opportunity to be involved in the future growth of the Golden Circle; by contributing to Leaving a Legacy today, your gift will ensure that the support and information continue to be provided for a thousand tomorrows.

Wondering How to Give? Participation is convenient and flexible, the choice is yours. Visit GoldenCircle.ca/golden-circle/leaving-a-legacy to download our brochure, or call us at 403-343-6074.

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