
Through providing connection, learning opportunities and fun activities, Mengagement is fostering a positive social group with the needs and wants of men at the forefront!

A group of senior men seated together having a group discussion.

By men, for men.

Mengagement is a Golden Circle program which was developed by men for men as a means to provide a variety of programs specifically designed to appeal to and attract older adult males.

How did it come to be?

Research done in partnership with then Red Deer College provided information that many older adult men experience isolation and loneliness which is a detriment to health and longevity. Membership at the Golden Circle corroborated this research as only 20% of our membership was male. The question then became – how might we attract and engage more men?

In 2018 a survey was sent out to Golden Circle members and a strong response was received with a number of recommendations for possible engagement and activity opportunities that our active group of members have been implementing ever since!

Mengagement Activities

Weekly Gatherings

Every Thursday afternoon, Mengagement members gather at the Golden Circle or at a designated location.


Regular gatherings and presentations on issues important to men.


Tours to a variety of places around Red Deer and Central Alberta.

How do I get involved?

Have questions? Want to know more about Mengagement?
Call 403-343-6074 or e-mail: [email protected]

Upcoming Mengagement events

There’s something here for everyone.

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  • Sweet & Sour Chicken with Fried Rice and Mixed Vegetables
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  • Ham with Scalloped Potatoes and Mixed Vegetables
    $8.50 Add to cart
  • Beef Pot Pie
    $6.00 Add to cart