Let’s End Racism in Red Deer In Collaboration with Red Deer Local Immigration Partnership

Let’s End Racism in Red Deer In Collaboration with Red Deer Local Immigration Partnership a local community organization that is committed to building connections and partnerships between individuals and organizations to better support newcomers to Canada.
It’s up to all of us to learn and perform the work of antiracism. Not only is it the right thing to do, it also helps to create
communities that are more prosperous, safe and just for everyone.
Red Deer is home to people from incredibly diverse backgrounds, whether Indigenous, settled, or new to Canada.
We all have the capacity to make important contributions to our communities and to make positive connections with one another.
Here are a few stories that show how these connections make Red Deer a better place.
Proud to be your neighbour interview series with Martha Cortes and Monica Morrison:
Martha Cortes
How did you come to Red Deer?
I am originally from Colombia, a beautiful South American country. Although it’s a marvellous place with an amazing variety of people, climates and foods, I had to leave my country because I suffered a traumatic and life-threatening personal situation.
What do you do in life?
I am a Support Community Worker as well as an acting Social Worker. I’ve been gaining a ton of community resource knowledge. I love to help others in any possible way. I feel a big reward when I am able to lend a hand.
Tell us about your neighbour Monica!
I met Monica when she interviewed me for a position at Golden Circle, a senior resource centre in Red Deer. She was very welcoming and offered me a big smile which made me feel comfortable and accepted.
She is always there for me, no matter the situation, time, location, or anything. Furthermore, she gets involved with my family as well as letting me be part of hers; they treat me as one of their own.
Monica Morrison
How did you come to Red Deer?
I was born in London, Ontario to immigrants from Germany. I am a first-generation Canadian. I came to Red Deer to be closer to my firstborn grandchild and was able to continue my career in senior
What do you do in life?
I was* the Executive Director of the Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre.
Tell us about your neighbour Martha.
Martha is full of life. She makes me smile and she is always wanting to be helpful. I love her confidence that she shows whenever she walks into a room. She is intelligent and is always dressed to the nines. I find Martha a very warm person and I love to get hugs from her because they are genuine. All I can say is that she has a beautiful spirit.
*Monica was the Executive Director of the Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre for 10.5 years from 2011 to February 18, 2022.
A commitment to being antiracist manifests in our choices.
When we encounter interpersonal racism, whether obvious or covert, there are ways to respond and interrupt it. Asking questions is a powerful tool to seek clarity or offer a new perspective.
Here are some suggestions to use in conversations when racist behaviour occurs.
Speak your truth.
“I don’t see it the way you do. I see it as [ __________ ] .”
Set boundaries.
“Please do not say [ ________ ] to me or around me again.
Seek clarity.
“Tell me more about [ ________ ] .”
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