Online Cree Language Classes for Beginners!

Red Deer Native Friendship Society is offering Online Cree Language Classes for Beginners!
Happening every Tuesday from February 1st to March 29th, each class will be from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
These classes will be hosted by Dr. Kevin wâsakâyâsiw Lewis, a nêhiyaw (Plains Cree) instructor, researcher, and writer, from Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation in Treaty 6 territory (Saskatchewan).
Join via ZOOM:
ID #: 82656943139
Password: 101478
or join via phone: 1+253-215-8782
Red Deer Native Friendship Centre & Red Deer Native Friendship Society #cree #onlnielanguageclasses #zoomclasses #treaty6territory #educationopportunity #learnanewlanguage #OnlineCreeLanguageClassesforBeginners #reddeernativefriendshipcenter #reddeernativefriendshipsociety #RedDeer #RedDeerAlberta #seniorresourcecentre #yourseniorcentre #downtownreddeer
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