Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays – A Letter for the Executive Director

Well here we are, another year almost over and 21 months dealing with COVID 19.  Covid has been a game changer for the Golden Circle.

We had to cancel our onsite programs, develop virtual programs and continue to support the community with our outreach services.  Our frozen meal program had another stellar year providing over 21,000 meals, pies and soups.  We entered into the covid season, with 8349 frozen meals made by the end of 2019. 

So as you can see our kitchen has been very busy.  We would not have been able to deliver the frozen meals without our dedicated volunteers.  Grocery delivery is the same, a very dedicated group of people ensuring that our most vulnerable have access to food.  Another group of volunteers that have been busy are the telephone friendly visitors.  Connecting with people on a weekly basis just to have a chat.  The demand for our transportation volunteers has been climbing this past year and it never ceases to amaze me how accommodating they are. The Mengagement volunteers have continued to work hard to keep the men connected.  The Bingo volunteers have been dedicated to the Golden Circle, helping us reach our fundraising goals.  Taking on more bingos when other groups cancelled. 

We are bringing back the front desk girls, and have started two new volunteer jobs, the Coffee Shack host and the Welcome Desk host.  The kitchen volunteers are starting to come back and our Program committee volunteers have been trying to find ways to get us all connected again.  The hardest job has been the Volunteer Board of Directors.  Manoeuvering minefields as to open or remain closed.  Double vaccinated or not.  Masks or not.  Every decision that they have made is based on the safety of the people.  They did not want to be that place where a person got sick because we opened too fast, did not put enough safety precautions in place, and did not monitor the overall situation.  They knew people wanted to get back with their friends, they wanted to get back with their friends too but sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the betterment of all. 

COVID has been a big menace in how we live our life’s but it has also shown the strong character that our staff and volunteers have and even the staying power of our clients and members.  It has not been easy but we will get through this. 

I want to thank all the volunteers and staff for their hard work and dedication in 2021, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Love Monica

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  • Chicken Cordon Bleu with Scalloped Potatoes with Mixed Vegetables
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  • Cream of Potato and Bacon Soup
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