Membership Input Opportunity

Vegetable Plots at the Golden Circle! Now that we have your attention we would like your input. With the price of groceries increasing each year, we have been brainstorming ideas on how the Circle can best help older adults within the Red Deer community.

An idea has been brought forward, building, maintaining and growing a vegetable garden with several plots, right here on Circle grounds. This could be a great opportunity for older adults to renew their green thumbs, dig in the soil and grow nutritious vegetables.

What are your thoughts? A general outline is not yet completed as to how this Outreach Program will be blossom. For now, we are testing the waters to see if we have enough interest from our membership to move forward. Connect with our Community Program Coordinator, Bonnie Lewis at [email protected] or 403-343-6074.

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  • Sweet & Sour Chicken with Fried Rice and Mixed Vegetables
    $8.50 Add to cart
  • Meat Lasagna with Mixed Mixed Vegetables
    $8.50 Add to cart
  • Cherry Pie
    $7.00 Add to cart