LGBTQ2S People Get Old Too

Everyone ages and that includes our friends in the LGBTQ2S community. I attended a workshop a number of years ago in Toronto, Ontario and the topic was “Aging LGBTQ”. There is where I learned that the aging population in our communities were afraid to reach out to organizations and businesses that provide help to people to live independent in thier homes because of their sexual orientation. Businesses and services were not welcoming and inclusive, they judged and people were afraid that they had to go “back into the closet” in order to get help.

Michael Phair in Edmonton, Alberta has done research in the LGBTQ2S community to find out what people’s concerns were about feeling safe, be it moving into supportive housing, home supports (and that includes non-profit and for-profit) and health services. One of the reasons for fear is the fact that same sex activity was not legal until May 14th, 1969 here in Canada. Many of our aging friends lived in a time where it was illegal to be who you are, and love who you wanted. It was against the law, part of the criminal code of Canada. The other tidbit that is just as shocking is that on December 15th, 1973 homosexuality was no longer considered a disorder according to the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) a book that is used in the mental health field to diagnose people with mental health issues.

So imagine you are in your 70’s, you need help and you’re not sure what the reception is going to be from the providers. Are they going to judge you when they see pictures of your life in your apartment? Or when personal care is being provided and your physical body does not match the gender you identify with? How quickly will you reach out for help?

We need to show our LGBTQ2S friends that we are a safe place. That they can reach out to us. Fly that flag! Have indicators in your business or services that show people that you are a safe place.

For those of you that are not in the business of supporting the aging population, you can show your support by being an ally of the LGBTQ2S community. Celebrate with them, let your friends know that you have their back.

Check out Central Alberta Pride Society’s website,, and let us celebrate the colours of the rainbow.

– Monica Morrison, Executive Director of The Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre


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