Do you know when to call 211, 411, 511, 811 or 911?

Alberta residents can find help when they need it by using these important numbers:

For information on community and government agencies/services. Our free, confidential, multilingual, 24 hours information and referral system connects Albertans to thousands of community and social services available across the province.

It’s accessible by:
☎️ Calling 2-1-1
📱 Texting INFO to 211
💻 Live Chat or Search via

For business or residential listings
It acts just like an old-fashioned phone book with a directory of phone numbers, addresses of businesses and people.

For Alberta road conditions, a free traveller information service operated by the Government of Alberta, offering:

– highway conditions
– roadwork
– major incidents
– weather alerts
– availability of ferry services
– waiting times at border crossings

Updates are not always made hour-by-hour and as weather, road and traffic conditions can change rapidly. Drivers are encouraged to stay vigilant and adjust their driving accordingly.

It’s accessible via phone toll-free by calling 5-1-1. Computer and mobile device users can visit

For general health information and nurse advice, it’s also known as Health Link. The free tele-triage and health advice is run by Alberta Health Services. It’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The specific 811 services include:

– Symptom-based nurse triage and health information
– System navigation
– Dementia Advice Service
– Catch-A-Break Osteoporosis screening
– AlbertaQuits Tobacco Helpline
– Addictions information and referral
– Central Access to specialized services
– Referrals to clinical services including – Specialized Medication Advice and Dietitian Services

For life-threatening emergencies. this phone line is for assistance in medical, fire and police emergencies only.

The caller gets connected to the dispatch office which can send emergency responders to the caller’s location to address the emergency.

#211 #unitedway @unitedway_ca #didyouknow #seniorresourcecentre #yourseniorcentre #reddeeralberta #downtownreddeer 

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