Community Announcement

People on limited income find it difficult to engage in a social life either for themselves or their children because of the costs. Having limited social connectedness effects one’s mental health and begins a spiral effect that is difficult to stop and get out of. Staying in touch with people isn’t just good for your spirit it is a contributing factor to your overall health and well-being.

As we get older social connectedness is an important factor in maintaining physical and mental health. Being with people boosts the immune system. Studies with the Yale Medical Group suggest that people who keep up with social interaction and maintain close friendships live longer on average than those who are isolated from others. That is why a Meals on Wheels program is more than just delivering a meal. It is a time when a person connects with the Meals on Wheels recipient. In some cases, they are the only human face they see in a day.

There is a saying that goes like this “To the world you are only one person but to one person you are the world”. This is that situation. That is why as a community we need to acknowledge people when we walk down the sidewalk and encounter someone. Acknowledging a person’s existence could make or break a person’s day. We do not know how that day is going for someone. It may be a bad day and just by you saying Hi could make all the difference in the world. That is just a small piece of what we can do to help people be socially connected.

According to the Yale Medical Group socially connected, older adults have lower blood pressure, decreased risk of depression, and potentially a lessened risk of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and some cancers. Social interaction also keeps the brain active.

Senior Centres and Drop-Ins play an important role in the “social connectedness” piece of a person’s life. It is a natural place for people to gather, make new friends, learn new skills, and break bread together. The Mengagement project has been working hard at creating social opportunities for men to gather and I would say that this pilot project is successful. The Program Committee also looks at what it is that we can do here at the Golden Circle to bring people together to have fun. For two years we asked people what brings you to the Golden Circle and they stated the comradery.

Humans are social mammals, so we do better with people around us. One of our volunteers gave me a calendar with sayings and this one stood out for me regarding our human relationships, “We are each of us Angels with only one wing and can only fly embracing each other”. We are all interdependent. I challenge you to be that person that can make a difference in someone’s life. Let someone know that they matter.

Golden Circle Executive Director – Monica Morrison

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