City of Red Deer’s Mayor’s Recognition Awards 2022

Congratulations Glenn Allen!

Nominated by the Mengagement team and enthusiastically supported by the Golden Circle, last night at the City of Red Deer’s Mayor’s Recognition Awards the Golden Circle’s very own Glenn Allen was recognized with an award for Distinguished Voluntary Service. (Thank you to Doug Janssen for being the paparazzi for us last night!)

Glenn is an active member and former Board member. He has been a driving force in the enhancement and execution of men’s programming at the Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre. His compassionate nature, strategic and visionary thinking, willingness to tackle challenging issues and his leadership skills have resulted in the formation of Mengagement at the Golden Circle. Glenn and the Mengagement lead team members have a vision to engage men in life and living and to develop activities that encourage socialization, connection, learning, serving and fun to enhance a sense of safety, identity, belonging, purpose, worthiness, and healthy aging.

The hard work of the Mengagement lead team and Glenn’s dedicated leadership have greatly benefitted men not only in the city of Red Deer but surrounding communities as well and we are so pleased to see that he was given this incredible honour by Mayor Ken Johnston. Glenn, thank you for all you are and all you do – we are so lucky to have you as a part of our community.


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