Celebrating 45 years in 2022!

It is hard to believe that a new year has started and this year we are celebrating our 45th Anniversary. The Golden Circle opened its doors in April 1977 and continue to serve the community.

The original brainstorm of building a senior centre in Red Deer belonged to the Kiwanis Club of Red Deer. They wanted to leave a legacy to the community for their silver jubilee, and the Golden Circle was the finished product.

Over the years we have been supported by many donors, faithful volunteers, and hard-working staff. We have had many firsts; with the help of Royal Lepage Realty Network we opened a safe house to help seniors get away from intergenerational abuse, we had the first Rainbow Tea in August of 2015, celebrating PRIDE with an afternoon drag show. We partnered with Family Services of Central Alberta, Central Alberta Council on Aging, and the Red Deer College Student Association to address elder abuse and bring a concept of Home Share to the community.

We started Community Dining, Mengagement and the Friendship Club, all programs designed to address social isolation. We brought a frozen meal program to the community in 2010 and has since exploded to providing over 18,000 meals in 2021. We are continually identifying service gaps in the community and trying to find ways to support people to age well in the community.

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