Reopening News for March 1st through 4th!

The Golden Circle Board met on Monday, February 28th and it was unanimously decided that as of today, Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 the Golden Circle will no longer be checking for proof of vaccination and will move to being a mask optional facility. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, but we ask people to determine their personal comfort level.

We are happy to welcome you to the coffee shack this Thursday and Friday (March 3rd and 4th) for coffee and cookies from 9:00 am-11:00 am and we will be publishing a meal calendar in this Friday’s Circle Connector and posting information on our website! As always, if you are feeling unwell at all, please do not come to the facility, we will look forward to hosting you when you are feeling better!

Thank you,

Amber Mack (she/her)

Executive Director

Golden Circle Senior Resource Centre

Call for Nominations

Older Adult Puns & Jokes About Getting Older

Want to inspire some laughs from your friends and family? Try some of the following one-liners. These can lighten the mood and also make great personalization options for fun items like wobbly stress relievers. Check out the older adult puns and jokes below:

– Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!

– A retired husband is a wife’s full-time job – Children are the leading cause of old age

– Don’t let aging get you down; it’s too hard to get back up! – Don’t think of them as “hot flashes.” Think of them as your inner child playing with matches

– How are stars like dentures? Both come out at night

– I called the incontinence hotline. They asked if I could hold – I’ve decided: Whatever age I am is the new 30

– Now that I’ve become a senior, everything’s starting to click for me! My knees, my back, my neck…

– Old people are just young people who have been alive for a very long time

– Old age isn’t so bad, considering the alternative

– One benefit of old age is that your secrets are safe with your friends, they can’t remember them either!

– With old age comes wisdom… and discounts!

– Young at heart, old everywhere else

– Youth is wasted on the young Growing older can inspire many feelings — some positive and some negative.

The slogans and sayings listed above can inspire laughs and moments of reflection. They can remind older adults of their worth to society and give them feelings of affirmation during times of stress or uncertainty.

Pink Shirt Day 2022 at the Circle!

Circle staff participated in this year’s #PinkShirtDay!
Thank you to all who came to the Circle and wrote messages of encouragement and support on our bulletin board! There is still time to visit us and write a positive and encouraging message on our Pink Shirts!
Pink Shirt Day started in 2007 in #NovaScotia, when a male student in #Grade9 wore a pink shirt, and was bullied for it. The next day, students in school wore pink shirts as a sign of support and solidarity.

Warmer Weather & Falls Prevention

With the weather warming up we would like to remind everyone about Falls Prevention as we wander out of our homes and around the City.
Falls are the leading cause of injury among older Canadians with 20-30% of seniors experiencing one or more falls each year.
Falls cause 85% of seniors’ injury-related hospitalizations, 95% of all hip fractures, $2 billion a year in direct #healthcare costs, and over one-third of seniors are admitted to long-term care following hospitalization for a fall.
The average Canadian #senior had to stay in #hospital 10 days longer for falls than for any other cause.
Falls can result in chronic pain, reduced mobility, loss of independence and even death.
Fifty percent of all falls causing hospitalization to happen at home.
Injuries due to falls rose 43% between 2003 and 2008.
Deaths due to falls rose 65% between 2003 and 2008.
The good news is that falls are preventable and action can be taken by all.
Resource Links:
#fallsprevention #fallspreventionawarness #falls #preventingfalls #olderadults #activeaging #injuryprevention #seniorsfallsincanada #150minofactivityeachweek #prevention #awarness #education #resources #seniorresourcecentre #yourseniorcentre #reddeeralberta #downtownreddeer

Aging and Substances

As you age, substances may affect you differently. Using substances, especially in combination, can put you more at risk of harm like confusion or falls.
When speaking with your health care provider, it’s important to let them know about all of the substances you are taking – from vitamins to alcohol and cannabis – so they can provide the best advice.
Learn more about using substances as an older adult:
#olderadults #asweage #checkups #checkins #wellness #physicalwellness #mentalwellness #physicalandmentalwellness

Pink Shirt Day 2022

Alberta’s Restrictions Exemption Program Update

In light of the Premier’s announcement that Alberta’s Restrictions Exemption Program is no longer in effect, the Board’s Executive Committee met and it has been decided that proof of vaccines will still be a requirement at the Golden Circle, and table activities still suspended until February 20th. This will be reviewed again in one week.


Thank you,

Amber Mack (She/Her)

Executive Director

Welcome Amber Mack to the Golden Circle!

Welcome Amber to the Golden Circle, it was a pleasure to finally meet you and begin our exciting Executive Director transition! We look forward to working with you and continuing our quality services and programs not only to our members and clients but to our amazing Red Deer community. 

Mengagement with the Golden Circle

Once a week the fellows gather on Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm via Zoom for positive social conversation and connections.
If you are interested in participating within this program or would like more information, connect with Bonnie Lewis, our Community Outreach Program Coordinator at 403-343-6074.
Date for the month of February:
-Thursday, February 10, 2022
-Thursday, February 17, 2022
-Thursday, February 24, 2022
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